During Christmas,  we all love buying our friends and family gifts and decorating our homes to feel festive. But, is there another way to celebrate Christmas?

Here are a few ideas on how we can be a little less wasteful this Christmas: 

Try to reuse: conventional wrapping paper can be very difficult or impossible to recycle as most of them are dyed, laminated or include glitter. Instead, you can use recycled brown paper or old newspapers to wrap your presents. You can even use a brown paper bag that you have at home, cut the rectangle bottom and take out the handles and use it as wrapping paper.

Ditch the sticky tape: It cannot be recycled, instead, you can use tape made from paper or cellulose which are both recyclable materials. You can even replace tape altogether by using old ribbons and strings you may have at home to wrap your presents.

Sustainable gifting: The vast majority of gifts for our friends and family, tend to be funny throw away objects. Why not gift them something they might need? Handmade gifts always make people feel special. Try our handmade candles and soap collection found on our shop page. 

The Christmas tree: Do you really need to cut a tree down every Christmas? The amount of trees we see filling our streets in January is terrifying, think about all that waste! Instead, why not invest into a good quality reusable Christmas tree which you can reuse every year. Saves the environment, the hassle of collecting and disposing of a tree and money.

A meat-free Christmas: Over the Christmas period we are all encouraged to eat meat heavy diets with brussel sprouts on the side.  But, did you know that there are many tasty veggie alternatives out there? Our friends at @sgaiaveganmeats have revolutionised the veggie Christmas. Check out their Christmas specials on their website and order yours today!

We hope this post inspired some change over our festive season. Even by trying one of our suggestions, you will be making a difference.  Drop us a line on instagram with tips on how you will be having a sustainable Christmas this year.

We wish you a nopla(stic) Christmas!

The nopla team x